Open letters to Indian nation and nationals
There are many groups under this classification. Therefore, I would like to write a series of open letters separately. I promise you this will not be a mega-serial under the banner of ‘Balaji Telefilms’. I hope every one concerned reads these letters/appeals of mine keeping aside alter ego, arrogance, before adversely reacting and criticizing. The first in the series is obviously going to be addressed to the PM.
Dear Mr. PM,
Your taciturnity in all matters concerning Indian welfare, economy, cost of living, foreign affairs, corruption, erring cabinet colleagues and party colleagues, coalition partners etc. is quite appalling to say the least. I have more to append to the open letter to you by Ms.Sharmila Ravinder.
Your long silence on A.Raja, Maran amounts to abetment to crime, which I am given to understand draws stern punishment under IPC, if the offender was an ‘aam aadmi’.Every one says stern punishment under IPC, if the offender was an ‘aam aadmi’. Every one says you are honest. But your silence supports dishonesty. You are seemingly protecting many who are real offenders, even if not voluntarily. Thereby you are being dishonest with yourself. The ‘aam aadmi’ perception is you are a puppet and the other end of the string ends up in Washington DC via 10,Janpath and Rome.
My nickname for you is Musharraf Singh. I picked up the Arabic word ‘musharraf’ while working in Libya. Musharaff means ‘I don’t know’. You always maintained that you did not know what went on or goes on in various ministries and also in PMO where you are the boss, or is it Soniaji who is the boss?
The spokespersons of Congress say that it is the prerogative of only the elected members to draft any bill. In that event since you are not elected ,you have no business to talk on ‘Lokpal Bill’. You refused to stand for election, probably because you are unelectable.
You are aware, corruption and dishonesty, though are complementary, they are not synonymous. The corrupt (people), lure others to become dishonest. The compensation to fall into the trap is in cash or kind or offer of position of power.
If as you claim, you are determined to root out corruption you would know well where to begin. You seem to be crooning the old song “where do I begin?”. If you are really at a loss as to how to tackle this monster, the best way out is to resign as PM and join some one like Anna Hazare.
In my younger days, whenever I recommended a skilled worker to be promoted as supervisor, my factory manager who was very wise (He is no more now), told me that though my intentions were good, my proposal was not implementable. He said, we would lose a good worker and get a bad supervisor. The loss is double. Yes, Mr.Manmohan Singh, we probably lost a good economist and got a bad and ineffective PM .
Further, you weakened the position of PM, by letting SC do all the monitoring and action on your behalf. You pretend to be asleep. It is impossible to wake you up.
To, summarise, your contribution to this great nation, as a PM is zero. You stand a good chance of being chosen as a president in future, as any establishment will be happy with your attitude of inaction and docility.
Very disappointedly yours,
Aam Aadmi