Friday, April 27, 2012

Aham Brahmanosmi

Aham Brahmanosmi
Courtesy: I was inspired by Mr Rahul Gandhi to think about this and hence this piece

Verse no 42 Chapter 18  of Srimad BhagawadGita – Sermon of the Lord:
Shamo damastapah shaucham Kshantirarjavameva cha|
Jnanam vijnanamastikyam brahmakarma swabhavajam||
Shamah –Control of mind
Damah- Control of the senses
Tapah- Austerity
Aastikyam-Belief in Hereafter
Swabhavaja-Born of the nature
Brahmakarma-are the duties of the Brahmanas
Summary transliteration: Subjugation of the mind and senses, enduring hardships for the discharge of one’s obligations, external and internal purity, forgiving the faults of others, straightness  of mind, senses, and behavior, belief in Vedas and other scriptures, and realization of TRUTH relating to God- all these constitute the natural duties of a Brahmana.

I have to confess that my knowledge of Sanskrit is limited to what I studied in school 50 years ago. I have taken the verse and translation from ‘Srimad Bhagavadgita’  a publication by Gita Press, Gorakhpur and a publication of work by Swami Swarupananda of Advaita Ashrama.

I profusely thank Rahulbaba for rekindling my interest in Sanskrit and Srimad Bhagvad Gita, by his averment “I am a Brahmin”. I leave it to him and the readers if any of this piece,  to self assess about being a Brahmin. Of course Bharatiyas of all Varnas have a right to assess him if Rahulbaba is a Brahmin, from his actions, statements, leanings, conduct, behavior etc. and  whatever information available in public domain. Certainly, it is common belief that we attain varna by our birth and swear by it for nefarious advantage, caste based vote bank and the sops offered. I am a Brahmin by birth and do not conform 100% to the qualities of a Brahmin.

Politicians who want to rule over anything and everything have to conform to  the qualities of a Kshatriya. Verse No 43 of Gita is given below:
Shauryam tejo dhrutirdyaksham yuddhe chapyapalayanam |
Daanamishvarabhaavascha Kshatram karma swabhavajam||
Shauryam- Prowess
Yuddhe-In the battle
Cha- and
Apalaayanam- Not flyinDaanam-Generosity
Kshatram-Of kshatriyas
Heroism, majesty, firmness, diligence and dauntlessness in battle, bestowing gifts, and lordliness – all these constitute the natural duty of a Kshatriya.
Verse No 44 – Duties of Vaishya and shudras:
Krshigaurakshyavaanijyam vaishyakarma Swabhavajam|
Paricharyatmakam karma shudrasyapi swabhavajam||
Krshigaurakshyavanijyam- Agriculture, cattle-rearing, and trade
Swabhavajam vaishyakarma- the duties of a vaishya
Paricharyatmakam- consisting of service
Shudrasyaapi- also of a shudra
Agriculture, rearing of cows and honest exchange of merchandise – these constitute the duties of a vaishya and service of other classes is the natural duty of a shudra (member of a labouring class) .

I  wish to end this presentation of mine by stating that, some of us who are Hindus and who wish to live by Varna classification, better choose your profession and tailor your actions accordingly. Since I have taken to self-employment I can be at the best, a vaishya with leaning towards being a  Brahmana. I can’t be a kshatriya

Jai Bharat