The previous week, the so called Indian national media have been dishing out a lot of crap on the circular issued by Bethany School. In my opinion, Mr. Arnabh Goswami of Times Now sounded very hypocritical. It is silly to presume that all people are interested in putting their children in an environment where there will not be much scope for the children to mingle with those of other classes. I wonder where Mr. Goswami's children or nephews or whoever concerned are studying - I presume it will be some school with a 'social status'. If Mr. Goswami wants he can enroll his children in Anganwadi/Balwadi Schools so that other children are benefited by their presence.
Late Prime Minister Ms. Indira Gandhi admitted her son Rajiv Gandhi who later became Prime Minister himself, in Doon School.
How seriously public schools like Doon School and Montford take the RTE into effect and admit children from lower strata is something that I would very much like to see.
I agree with you - Goswami is a complete tool.