No, it is not tip of the slongue, it is an intended Spoonerism. There is euphoria in USA as orchestrated by President Obama. They believe, they have a reason to celebrate as Osama is killed. American aam aadmi is as gullible as an Indian. Obama is laden with sins. Here you read Obama as America. It hardly matters whether the president is named Bush or Obama. For any aam American, any George, Bill or Barrack can be a president as long as the price of bread and gasoline is not hiked. America can not boast of a long standing tradition with its 200 plus years of history after a self proclaimed INDEPENDENCE at the cost of Apache Indians. It wounded their ego when the twin towers of WTC were razed to ground. This is not the only reason they were after Osama Bin Laden. Anything coming in the way of their expansionist agenda needs to be eliminated. Therefore, they resorted to war games even earlier in Vietnam, Iraq etc. Uncle SAM shall be read as Unilaterally Self Appointed Monitor of the world. Besides, they even sell their war weaponry. They monkey around with everything. It is common knowledge that, monkeys love bananas. So, they convert every country into a banana republic to assert their ways.
I am not stating that Osama was an angel or saint. He was necessarily an evil, as much as America. War against Osama was not a holy war ( Dharma Yuddha / Crusade / Jehad). Holy war is war of good versus the evil. America’s war against Osama was evil versus evil. It was a modern day guerilla warfare. War against Osama was a war between two criminal gangs in global arena. It was more like India’s war against forest brigand Veerappan or Rajiv Gandhi’s killers like Sivarasan. At least India was honourable in killing the armed fugitives who put up a resistance.
American leaderships have always been afflicted with paranoia and self deception. It was a joke to note Obama bragging about the perseverance of their armed forces and heroism in killing Osama, who was not armed at the time of being killed. It reeks of cowardice rather than of bravado. Perseverance was shown by Israelis when they tracked down Eichmann. They showed heroism when they conducted the rescue operation at Entebbe. You have a lot of answering to do, Obama, to international community for not observing Geneva conventions. You have lost your rights to question Rajapakse for genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka.
Right from the days of World War II when they bombarded Hiroshima and Nagasaki, when they created Israel by displacing Palestinians they have proven themselves to be impish and mischief mongering. They are yet to provide relief to Union Carbide gas tragedy victims. Obama, you provide lip service while talking about India being your strategic ally for fight against terrorists and terrorism. 26/11 is not an act of terror, leaders of LashkareTaiba, Jamat ud Dawa,,Jaishe Mohemmed, Dawood Ibrahim are not terrorists in your considered opinion. You believe the whole world is naïve. You want the whole world to feel liberated, and give a sigh of relief and pay obeisance to you for killing Osama.
Dear Julian Assange, please protect yourself. Services of Wikileaks are required for the good of the entire humanity. You have ruffled the feathers of too many politicians across the globe. They will be joining together to eliminate you.
I am convinced Obama is Sin Laden
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